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Immediately after hatching from their aquatic larval skin the subadult male long-tailed mayfly (Palingenia longicauda) flies towards the river bank to land on a leaf. Here it will undergo its last moult, before it is going to mate and dy, all within only a few hours. Tisza blooming (Tiszavirágzás). It is when millions of long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) are rising in huge clouds, reproduce, and perish, all in just a few hours.
About half an hour after the male long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) hatched the first females appear on the water sruface. Unlike the males the female long-tailed mayflies are already mature when they emerge. Every female, like the one in the foreground recognisable by its shorter tails, is approached by several mature males. Eventually the female mates with one of them on the water surface. Tisza blooming (Tiszavirágzás). It is when millions of long-tailed mayflies (Palingenia longicauda) are rising in huge clouds, reproduce, and perish, all in just a few hours. у меня есть традиции посты про пресноводных беспозноночных посвещать друзьям ЛИЗА ЭТИ ПОДЕНКИ В ЧЕСТЬ ТЕБЯ