каждый да будет весел и добр до часа кончины
24.01.2012 в 04:39
Пишет  Таэлле:

"I ... got very grumpy because I felt like they were pirating my stuff, that it was bad. And then I started to notice that two things seemed much more significant. One of which was… places where I was being pirated, particularly Russia where people were translating my stuff into Russian and spreading around into the world, I was selling more and more books. People were discovering me through being pirated. Then they were going out and buying the real books, and when a new book would come out in Russia, it would sell more and more copies. I thought this was fascinating..."

Нил Гейман

(это о книжном "пиратстве" - если кому понадобится, я завтра переведу)

URL записи

И дискуссия за и против пиратства в комментариях.
Нет такой силы, кроме дня рождения друга, которая заставила бы меня купить настоящую книгу.

@темы: книги