каждый да будет весел и добр до часа кончины
Характерная черта фолк-музыки - множество исполнений одной мелодии. Своего рода кайф - выискивать совпадения, а потом прослеживать, кто у кого что первым позаимствовал. Песни Sam Hall, My love's in Germany и Ye Jacobites у меня очень давно идут с пометкой "разобраться" - а тут как раз руки дошли. Хотя блин какое тут разобраться.
Песни идут не в хронологическом порядке и вообще ни в каком не в порядке; текст под катом и текст в исполнении могут различаться; источник информации - интернет, поэтому проверить, насколько это всё соответствует истине, никак.
И песен не три. Их в два раза больше 8)
Jack Hall
текстOh my name it is Jack Hall,
Chimney sweep, chimney sweep,
Oh my name it is Jack Hall, chimney sweep.
Oh my name it is Jack Hall,
And I've robb'd both great and small,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
I have twenty pounds in store,
that's no joke, that's no joke,
I have twenty pounds in store, that's no joke.
I have twenty pounds in store
And I'll rob for twenty more,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall die, I shall die
O they tell me that in goal, I shall die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall drink no more brown ale,
But be dash'd if ever I fail
Til I die, til I die
But be dash'd if ever I fail till I die.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill
In a cart, in a cart
O I rode up Tyburn Hill in a cart.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill,
and 'twas there I made my will,
Saying, "The best of friends must part,
So, farewell, so, farewell."
Saying, "The best of friends must part
So, farewell."
Up the ladder I did grope,
that's no joke, that's no joke
Up the ladder I did grope, that's no joke.
Up the ladder I did grope,
and the hangman spread the rope,
O but never a word said I,
coming down, coming down,
O never a word said I coming down.
Ооо, это была история. Джека Холла (которого в детстве за гинею продали трубочисту) арестовали и повесили в Тайберне в 1707 году за ограбление. Вместе с ним схватили ещё двоих, но упоминают о них только в судебном архиве (и, может быть, в конце четвёртого куплета).
*умерла* между прочим, сам судебный архив
Песня стала популярной, текст начал видоизменяться, Холла казнили то там, то тут - в зависимости от географических этихсамых исполнителя.
А потом, в пятидесятых годах девятнадцатого века, её переработал поэт и исполнитель Росс.
Sam Hall
текстNow my name is Samuel Hall,
Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall
Oh my name is Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall
Oh my name is Samuel Hall,
and I hate you one and all
You're a bunch of mucker's all
Blast your eyes.
You're a bunch of mucker's all
Blast your eyes.
Now I killed a man they said
So they said, so they said
Oh I killed a man they said
Yes they said
I killed a man they said
And I left him layin dead
Cause I bashed his bloody head
Blast his eyes.
Caused I bashed his bloody head
Blast his eyes.
Now they put me in the quad
In the quad, In the quad
Oh they put me in the quad, in the quad
Oh they put me in the quad
and they left me there by God
Fastened to a bloody chain rod
Blast there eyes.
Fastened to a bloody chain rod
Blast there eyes.
Now the preacher he did come
He did come, he did come
Oh the preacher he did come he did come
Oh the preacher he did come
And he looked so doggone glum
As he talked of Kingdom Come
Blast his eyes.
As he talked of Kingdom Come
Blast his eyes.
And the sheriff he come too
He come too, he come too
Oh the sheriff he come too he come too
Oh the sheriff he come too
With his yellow boys and blue
Sayin Sam I'll see you through
Blast your eyes.
Sayin Sam I'll see you through
Blast your eyes.
Oh it's up the rope I go I go I go
It's up the rope I go I go
Oh it's up the rope I go
While you critters down below
Are sayin Sam I told you so
Blast your eyes.
Are sayin Sam I told you so
Blast your eyes.
Oh it's swingin I must go
I must go I must go
It's a swingin I must go, I must go
It's a swingin I must go
Just because she loved him so
Just because she loved him so
Blast her eyes.
Just because she loved him so
Blast her eyes.
I must hang until I'm dead
Til I'm dead, Til I'm dead
I must hang until I'm dead
I must hang until dead
Caused I killed a man they said
And left him layin dead
Blast his eyes.
And left him layin dead
Blast his eyes.
Росса, который популяризовал песню, в интернетах скупо описывают как "comic minstrel". Он переименовал Джека в Сэма и, похоже, в угоду жанру, расцветил текст кровавыми подробностями. Большинство современных исполнений используют поют Сэма, но при этом разбитые головы и всё такое прочее - это не прижилось))
Американские пилоты, кстати, на тот же мотив поют дринкинг сонг "Sammy Small", в которой через рефрен матерятся.
William Kidd
текстMy name is William Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
My name is William Kidd, as I sailed
My name is William Kidd, God's laws I did forbid
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, my parents taught me well, as I sailed, as I sailed
My parents taught me well, as I sailed
My parents taught me well to shun the gates of Hell
But against them I rebelled, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore
Many leagues from shore, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, I steered from sound to sound, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh I steered from sound to sound, as I sailed
I steered from sound to sound, and many ships I found
And all of them I burned as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed
And being cruel still my gunner I did kill
And his precious blood did spill, as I sailed, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death, as I sailed, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death and I vowed with every breath
To walk in wisdom's ways when I sailed, when I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot
Damnation was my lot, as I sailed, as I sailed
To execution dock I must go, I must go
To execution dock I must go
To execution dock, while many thousands flock
But I must bear the shock and must die, and must die,
Take a warning now by me, for I must die, for I must die,
Take a warning now by me for I must die
Take a warning now by me and shun bad company,
Lest you come to hell with me, for I must die, I must die.
Уильям Кидд, английский капер, - это тот самый Кидд, с сокровищами. За пиратство и убийство канонира Уильяма Мура его повесили в 1701 году; вскоре после этого песня разошлась на листовках (это была обычная практика: печатались копеечные этисамые с разной интересной ерундой).
какое забойное исполнение 8)
Admiral Benbow
текстCome all you seamen bold
and draw near, and draw near,
Come all you seamen bold and draw near.
It's of an admiral's fame,
O brave Benbow was his name,
How he fought all on the main,
you shall hear, you shall hear.
Brave Benbow he set sail
For to fight, for to fight
Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight.
Brave Benbow he set sail
with a fine and pleasant gale
But his captains they turn'd tail
in a fright, in a fright.
Says Kirby unto Wade:
We will run, we will run
Says Kirby unto Wade, we will run.
For I value no disgrace,
nor the losing of my place,
But the enemy I won't face,
nor his guns, nor his guns.
The Ruby and Benbow
fought the French, fought the french
The Ruby and Benbow fought the French.
They fought them up and down,
till the blood came trickling down,
Till the blood came trickling down
where they lay, where they lay.
Brave Benbow lost his legs
by chain shot, by chain shot
Brave Benbow lost his legs by chain shot.
Brave Benbow lost his legs,
And all on his stumps he begs,
Fight on my English lads,
'Tis our lot, 'tis our lot.
The surgeon dress'd his wounds,
Cries Benbow, cries Benbow
The surgeon dress'd his wounds, cries Benbow.
Let a cradle now in haste,
on the quarterdeck be placed
That the enemy I may face
'Til I die, 'Til I die.
Джон Бенбоу, адмирал английского флота, погиб после схватки с французской эскадрой в 1702 году. Погиб героически: командиры четрых линейных кораблей Бенбоу отказались вступать в бой, оставив адмирала с тремя линейными кораблями против четырёх линейных и одного фрегата французов.
Бенбоу потом ампутировали раздробленную ногу, он не смог после этого оправиться и умер. Стал национальным героем в армии. Фигурировал в поэмах и прочих культурных этихсамых, вплоть до "Острова сокровищ" Стивенсона, где его именем назван постоялый двор. Человек и практически пароход 8)
В отличие от Кидда, исторической харизмы Бенбоу не хватило на то, чтобы очаровать какой-нибудь прогрессив рок-фолк коллектив. Найти его удалось с трудом у энтузиастов морской истории Англии.
My Love's in Germany
текстOh, my love's in Germany, send him home, send him home,
Oh, my love's in Germany, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany,
Lang leagues 0' land and sea
Frae Westrey and frae me, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
Oh, weary fa' the war, Send him home, send him home,
That tysed my love sae rar, Send him home.
Oh, were he home again,
How blythe we'd be and rain,
But he's rar ayont the main, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
Oh, wad some birdie say, Send him home, send him home,
To my sodger far away, Send him home.
How lonely sighs his May,
Conntin' year and month and day,
For oh! her heart is wae, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
В отличие от двух предыдущих песен, у этой заявлено авторство.
Даже два.
Во-первых, шотландский поэт Гектор Макнейл утверждал, что автор - он. Под его именем песня была издана отдельным листком в 1794 году.
Во-вторых, в 1885 году её опубликовал Дэвид Балфур - как песню с Оркнейских островов, написанную Томасом Трейллом в тридцатых годах семнадцатого века. Семья Трейллов имела большое влияние на островах; Томас Трейлл считается основателем рода. В тридцатых годах он служил в армии Густава Адольфа, благополучно вернулся и заимел пять штук детей со своей женой Мариотой)) Единственный, тксзть, хэппиэнд за всю историю песни.
Балфур приводит ряд доказательств - долгую традицию исполнения песни на островах, отсылки к местным реалиям в тексте, название "Germany Thomas" - прозвище Густава II, если я блин ничего не путаю - под которым песня сохранилась в семействе Трейллов, стихотворная традиция семьи и прочее.
Je Jacobites
текстYe Jacobites by name
Give an ear, give an ear
Ye Jacobites by name give an ear
Ye Jacobites by name
Your faults I will proclaim
Your doctrines I must blame,
You shall hear.
What is right and what is wrong
By the law, by the law
What is right and what is wrong by the law
What is right and what is wrong,
Aa short sword and a long
A weak arm and a strong
For to draw.
What makes heroic strife
famed afar, famed afar?
What makes heroic strife famed afar?
What makes heroic strife,
To whet the assassin's knife
Or hunt a parent's life
With bloody war.
Then leave your schemes alone
In the state, in the state
Then leave your schemes alone in the state
Then leave your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone
To his fate.
Then leave your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone to his fate...
And leave a man alone to his fate.
Песня (позаимствовавшая мелодию у "My love's in Germany") изначально была сугубо антиякобистской (и в два раза более длинной). В 1791 году её переписал Роберт Бёрнс, сократив текст и придав ему более общегуманистическое значение. Из списка изощрённейших виговских нападок вышло стихотворение о братоубийственной войне. В такой форме песня и дошла до наших дней, чтобы ВНЕЗАПНО поразить меня по самое не хочу не надо ну пожалуйста.
Песни идут не в хронологическом порядке и вообще ни в каком не в порядке; текст под катом и текст в исполнении могут различаться; источник информации - интернет, поэтому проверить, насколько это всё соответствует истине, никак.
И песен не три. Их в два раза больше 8)
Jack Hall
текстOh my name it is Jack Hall,
Chimney sweep, chimney sweep,
Oh my name it is Jack Hall, chimney sweep.
Oh my name it is Jack Hall,
And I've robb'd both great and small,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
I have twenty pounds in store,
that's no joke, that's no joke,
I have twenty pounds in store, that's no joke.
I have twenty pounds in store
And I'll rob for twenty more,
And my neck shall pay for all
When I die, when I die,
And my neck shall pay for all when I die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall die, I shall die
O they tell me that in goal, I shall die.
O they tell me that in goal
I shall drink no more brown ale,
But be dash'd if ever I fail
Til I die, til I die
But be dash'd if ever I fail till I die.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill
In a cart, in a cart
O I rode up Tyburn Hill in a cart.
O I rode up Tyburn Hill,
and 'twas there I made my will,
Saying, "The best of friends must part,
So, farewell, so, farewell."
Saying, "The best of friends must part
So, farewell."
Up the ladder I did grope,
that's no joke, that's no joke
Up the ladder I did grope, that's no joke.
Up the ladder I did grope,
and the hangman spread the rope,
O but never a word said I,
coming down, coming down,
O never a word said I coming down.
Ооо, это была история. Джека Холла (которого в детстве за гинею продали трубочисту) арестовали и повесили в Тайберне в 1707 году за ограбление. Вместе с ним схватили ещё двоих, но упоминают о них только в судебном архиве (и, может быть, в конце четвёртого куплета).
*умерла* между прочим, сам судебный архив
Песня стала популярной, текст начал видоизменяться, Холла казнили то там, то тут - в зависимости от географических этихсамых исполнителя.
А потом, в пятидесятых годах девятнадцатого века, её переработал поэт и исполнитель Росс.
Sam Hall
текстNow my name is Samuel Hall,
Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall
Oh my name is Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall
Oh my name is Samuel Hall,
and I hate you one and all
You're a bunch of mucker's all
Blast your eyes.
You're a bunch of mucker's all
Blast your eyes.
Now I killed a man they said
So they said, so they said
Oh I killed a man they said
Yes they said
I killed a man they said
And I left him layin dead
Cause I bashed his bloody head
Blast his eyes.
Caused I bashed his bloody head
Blast his eyes.
Now they put me in the quad
In the quad, In the quad
Oh they put me in the quad, in the quad
Oh they put me in the quad
and they left me there by God
Fastened to a bloody chain rod
Blast there eyes.
Fastened to a bloody chain rod
Blast there eyes.
Now the preacher he did come
He did come, he did come
Oh the preacher he did come he did come
Oh the preacher he did come
And he looked so doggone glum
As he talked of Kingdom Come
Blast his eyes.
As he talked of Kingdom Come
Blast his eyes.
And the sheriff he come too
He come too, he come too
Oh the sheriff he come too he come too
Oh the sheriff he come too
With his yellow boys and blue
Sayin Sam I'll see you through
Blast your eyes.
Sayin Sam I'll see you through
Blast your eyes.
Oh it's up the rope I go I go I go
It's up the rope I go I go
Oh it's up the rope I go
While you critters down below
Are sayin Sam I told you so
Blast your eyes.
Are sayin Sam I told you so
Blast your eyes.
Oh it's swingin I must go
I must go I must go
It's a swingin I must go, I must go
It's a swingin I must go
Just because she loved him so
Just because she loved him so
Blast her eyes.
Just because she loved him so
Blast her eyes.
I must hang until I'm dead
Til I'm dead, Til I'm dead
I must hang until I'm dead
I must hang until dead
Caused I killed a man they said
And left him layin dead
Blast his eyes.
And left him layin dead
Blast his eyes.
Росса, который популяризовал песню, в интернетах скупо описывают как "comic minstrel". Он переименовал Джека в Сэма и, похоже, в угоду жанру, расцветил текст кровавыми подробностями. Большинство современных исполнений используют поют Сэма, но при этом разбитые головы и всё такое прочее - это не прижилось))
Американские пилоты, кстати, на тот же мотив поют дринкинг сонг "Sammy Small", в которой через рефрен матерятся.
William Kidd
текстMy name is William Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
My name is William Kidd, as I sailed
My name is William Kidd, God's laws I did forbid
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, my parents taught me well, as I sailed, as I sailed
My parents taught me well, as I sailed
My parents taught me well to shun the gates of Hell
But against them I rebelled, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore
Many leagues from shore, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh, I steered from sound to sound, as I sailed, as I sailed
Oh I steered from sound to sound, as I sailed
I steered from sound to sound, and many ships I found
And all of them I burned as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed
And being cruel still my gunner I did kill
And his precious blood did spill, as I sailed, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death, as I sailed, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death, as I sailed
I was sick and nigh to death and I vowed with every breath
To walk in wisdom's ways when I sailed, when I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot
Damnation was my lot, as I sailed, as I sailed
To execution dock I must go, I must go
To execution dock I must go
To execution dock, while many thousands flock
But I must bear the shock and must die, and must die,
Take a warning now by me, for I must die, for I must die,
Take a warning now by me for I must die
Take a warning now by me and shun bad company,
Lest you come to hell with me, for I must die, I must die.
Уильям Кидд, английский капер, - это тот самый Кидд, с сокровищами. За пиратство и убийство канонира Уильяма Мура его повесили в 1701 году; вскоре после этого песня разошлась на листовках (это была обычная практика: печатались копеечные этисамые с разной интересной ерундой).
какое забойное исполнение 8)
Admiral Benbow
текстCome all you seamen bold
and draw near, and draw near,
Come all you seamen bold and draw near.
It's of an admiral's fame,
O brave Benbow was his name,
How he fought all on the main,
you shall hear, you shall hear.
Brave Benbow he set sail
For to fight, for to fight
Brave Benbow he set sail for to fight.
Brave Benbow he set sail
with a fine and pleasant gale
But his captains they turn'd tail
in a fright, in a fright.
Says Kirby unto Wade:
We will run, we will run
Says Kirby unto Wade, we will run.
For I value no disgrace,
nor the losing of my place,
But the enemy I won't face,
nor his guns, nor his guns.
The Ruby and Benbow
fought the French, fought the french
The Ruby and Benbow fought the French.
They fought them up and down,
till the blood came trickling down,
Till the blood came trickling down
where they lay, where they lay.
Brave Benbow lost his legs
by chain shot, by chain shot
Brave Benbow lost his legs by chain shot.
Brave Benbow lost his legs,
And all on his stumps he begs,
Fight on my English lads,
'Tis our lot, 'tis our lot.
The surgeon dress'd his wounds,
Cries Benbow, cries Benbow
The surgeon dress'd his wounds, cries Benbow.
Let a cradle now in haste,
on the quarterdeck be placed
That the enemy I may face
'Til I die, 'Til I die.
Джон Бенбоу, адмирал английского флота, погиб после схватки с французской эскадрой в 1702 году. Погиб героически: командиры четрых линейных кораблей Бенбоу отказались вступать в бой, оставив адмирала с тремя линейными кораблями против четырёх линейных и одного фрегата французов.
Бенбоу потом ампутировали раздробленную ногу, он не смог после этого оправиться и умер. Стал национальным героем в армии. Фигурировал в поэмах и прочих культурных этихсамых, вплоть до "Острова сокровищ" Стивенсона, где его именем назван постоялый двор. Человек и практически пароход 8)
В отличие от Кидда, исторической харизмы Бенбоу не хватило на то, чтобы очаровать какой-нибудь прогрессив рок-фолк коллектив. Найти его удалось с трудом у энтузиастов морской истории Англии.
My Love's in Germany
текстOh, my love's in Germany, send him home, send him home,
Oh, my love's in Germany, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany,
Lang leagues 0' land and sea
Frae Westrey and frae me, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
Oh, weary fa' the war, Send him home, send him home,
That tysed my love sae rar, Send him home.
Oh, were he home again,
How blythe we'd be and rain,
But he's rar ayont the main, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
Oh, wad some birdie say, Send him home, send him home,
To my sodger far away, Send him home.
How lonely sighs his May,
Conntin' year and month and day,
For oh! her heart is wae, Send him home, send him home.
Oh, my love's in Germany, Send him home.
В отличие от двух предыдущих песен, у этой заявлено авторство.
Даже два.
Во-первых, шотландский поэт Гектор Макнейл утверждал, что автор - он. Под его именем песня была издана отдельным листком в 1794 году.
Во-вторых, в 1885 году её опубликовал Дэвид Балфур - как песню с Оркнейских островов, написанную Томасом Трейллом в тридцатых годах семнадцатого века. Семья Трейллов имела большое влияние на островах; Томас Трейлл считается основателем рода. В тридцатых годах он служил в армии Густава Адольфа, благополучно вернулся и заимел пять штук детей со своей женой Мариотой)) Единственный, тксзть, хэппиэнд за всю историю песни.
Балфур приводит ряд доказательств - долгую традицию исполнения песни на островах, отсылки к местным реалиям в тексте, название "Germany Thomas" - прозвище Густава II, если я блин ничего не путаю - под которым песня сохранилась в семействе Трейллов, стихотворная традиция семьи и прочее.
Je Jacobites
текстYe Jacobites by name
Give an ear, give an ear
Ye Jacobites by name give an ear
Ye Jacobites by name
Your faults I will proclaim
Your doctrines I must blame,
You shall hear.
What is right and what is wrong
By the law, by the law
What is right and what is wrong by the law
What is right and what is wrong,
Aa short sword and a long
A weak arm and a strong
For to draw.
What makes heroic strife
famed afar, famed afar?
What makes heroic strife famed afar?
What makes heroic strife,
To whet the assassin's knife
Or hunt a parent's life
With bloody war.
Then leave your schemes alone
In the state, in the state
Then leave your schemes alone in the state
Then leave your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone
To his fate.
Then leave your schemes alone,
Adore the rising sun
And leave a man alone to his fate...
And leave a man alone to his fate.
Песня (позаимствовавшая мелодию у "My love's in Germany") изначально была сугубо антиякобистской (и в два раза более длинной). В 1791 году её переписал Роберт Бёрнс, сократив текст и придав ему более общегуманистическое значение. Из списка изощрённейших виговских нападок вышло стихотворение о братоубийственной войне. В такой форме песня и дошла до наших дней, чтобы ВНЕЗАПНО поразить меня по самое не хочу не надо ну пожалуйста.
Ещё на Сэма Холла Фрэнк Тови очень интересный кавер записал.
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